
I pledge to respect and honour you and your love, at every step of this process. 

I will ask your pronouns and not make presumptions about any aspect of your identity, culture, gender, sexual orientation or life journey to date. 

I will be entirely guided by you as to how you identify yourself and your union whether that be gay, lesbian, queer, same sex/gender or other sex/gender.

I have completed LGBTQ+ Allyship Training with Stonewall and anti-racism training with Nova Reid and commit to applying the principles of allyship and anti-racism to all aspects of my work and to continue the life-long learning and development this requires.

As a woman in a mixed-heritage marriage with a mixed-race, highly sensitive, neurodivergent child, I have some experience (albeit from the limited perspective of a white cis-gendered het-woman), of the assumptions made about identity, heritage and neuro-divergence, and how frustrating and potentially harmful these assumptions can be.

I want you to know your love, your story and your people are safe with me. 

Your Needs

I am committed to crafting a ceremony that includes and works for everyone.

Whether that be neurodivergence, sensory needs, physical access needs, managing anxiety, or anything else, this will be accommodated with respect and sensitivity.

This may include seating plan arrangements, couple positioning, making enquiries with venues about hearing loops, consideration of sounds used and/or involvement of movement in the ceremony amongst a host of other considerations. 

My Commitment

I have committed to embedding the core values laid out by LGBTQ Equality Weddings in my professional and personal life.

These values are:

  • To strive not to assume a person’s gender identity, sex characteristics, or sexual orientation based on their appearance or otherwise;

  • To strive not to assume a person’s race(s), culture(s), or religion(s)/faith(s) based on their appearance or otherwise;

  • To respect and follow a person's instruction as to how they’d like to be addressed, including gender and disability pronouns;

  • To strive to create accessible environments for disabled clients by meeting individual access requirements;

  • To share insight and knowledge with others, where possible, and where appropriate;

  • To endeavour to encourage the representation of all groups/communities when contributing to styled shoots, especially underrepresented groups/communities;

  • To strive to continue to educate ourselves on equality generally;

  • To be kind and supportive to our colleagues and peers if unintentional mistakes are made in relation to inclusive language;

  • To act with honesty and integrity at all times; and

  • To help build a community who are united in making the wedding industry, and the world, a more inclusive place.

© LGBTQ Equality Weddings, 2021-2023. All rights reserved